Managing workflow Book Settings (running headers)


Team Manager

The Team Manager is found in the Book Builder navigation bar. For each book, the Production Editor assigns users to the team, determining their roles for that book. A participant's role determines what access they will have to the components throughout the workflow.

Production Editors build the book’s team by:

  1. From the Book Builder select Team Manager from the navigation bar at the top of the screen.

  2. Select the “Add” option next to the role you want to fill.

  3. Begin typing a name into search. Select the desired user from the dropdown. Note users first need to sign up to the system before their name will be available in the dropdown.

  4. To remove a user from a role, select Remove next to their name.

  5. Select Close in the lower right to return to the Book Builder.

Roles and permissions

In Editoria, team members may have one of a number of roles including Administrator, Global Production Editor, Production Editor, Copy Editor, and Author.

General access

All users can add comments to a component in the Wax editor, even if they don't have permission to edit the content itself. This way, users can have a discussion around the text regardless of their permissions at any stage of the production process.


The Administrator has access to all of Editoria including all users’ books and chapters. The Administrator does not usually have an active role on a book project team.

Global Production Editor

Global Production Editors have the same level of permissions as the Admin role. The purpsose of this role is to have “super” users but with domain knowledge.

Production Editor

Production Editors are project managers and have the highest level of permissions for those roles that actively work on book projects. Production Editors can manage the teams that are working on their books. Using the workflow tool for each Part or Chapter in the Book Builder, they can control what (and when) team members can do. Production Editors can edit, rename, and archive books in the Book Dash. In the Book Builder, they can add Components, Parts, and Chapters; upload word files and media; edit book settings; and export book files.

Copy Editor

Copy Editors are assigned by the Production Editor for each book. Copy Editors see only the books they have been assigned to. They have access to all parts of a book during the “Edit” and “Clean Up” stages (determined by the Production Editor using the workflow tool in the Book Builder). Copy Editors can add new Chapters to a book and turn track changes on and off.


The Author role has limited permissions for the books to which they have been assigned. Authors have access to the parts of a book when the Production Editor sets the workflow status to “Reviewing.” Changes made by Authors are always tracked.

Managing workflow Book Settings (running headers)