Unique aspects of the Open Textbook Planner
Please keep in mind these key differences if your Editoria instance is enabled with the Open Textbook Planner Workflow:
An Open Textbook Planner exists to develop a consistent structure for your book before you start the authoring process. This plan must be laid out by the assigned Production Editor after the book is created by a Global Production Editor.
There is no Upload stage in the workflow. The workflow starts on File prep where content is authored or copy-pasted into the component’s document after the book is planned, instead of uploading Word documents.
In the Editor, heading levels go up to Heading level 6, and pedagogical elements such as openers, closers, worked examples and references sections can be applied.
Users cannot define left and right page layout per component, because these are automatically applied from the template chosen when previewing.
Users cannot set custom running headers (there is no Book Settings) because these are auto-generated by the template chosen when previewing.
Only Admins can preview templates from the navigation bar in the Book Dash or Book Builder, however any user can preview their book in a templateby choosing Export Book from the Book Builder and selecting Preview. There are currently 5 PDF templates to choose from; in the future PDF templates will be extended to include more size and style variations. Note the different page sizes for each template:
Aphrodite (US trade: 6 in × 9 in)
Apollo (A4: 8.27 in × 11.69 in)
Demeter (Crown Quattro: 7.44 in × 9.68 in)
Gaia (US letter: 8.5 in × 11 in)
Zeus (Executive: 7 in × 10 in).
You cannot make CSS changes to a template while previewing the export of your book unless you have an Admin or Global Production Editor role.