Quick start guide
Book Dash
Once you sign in, you arrive at the Book Dash, where you see all the books you are working on. Depending on your role in Editoria, you can:
create a book
delete a book
rename a book
open a book to begin working on it in the Book Builder.
Book Builder
Within the Book Builder, you can:
specify team members and assign roles, including Production Editor, Copy Editor, and Author, for the current book project
upload files, by batch or individually
set page-break designations
drag and drop to reorder chapters and parts of the book
use the status bar to track status and to assign a Part or Chapter from one team member to another
open a part of the book for editing
export to a variety of output options.
The Editor
When editing Components, Parts, or Chapters, you can:
create/edit the title by styling the first line of text as a Title (H1)
write content and add assets (images)
add styling and formatting to the text
leverage word processing tools to edit text, track and review changes.